Sunday 4 May 2008

PNI Awareness Weekend

This weekend was the PNI Awareness Weekend.
Up and down the country there were events to try to raise some awareness and funds to help ease the suffering of postnatal illness. They were all arranged by members of the web-based forum

Today I joined some mums and tots at an event in Chester. We met at the beautiful home of 'Hopeful', one of the moderators of the site. Her family made us all most welcome - thanks to her, her husband and charming children for letting us invade!

We drank, ate and chatted for several hours but a walk was abandoned due to the pouring rain (nothing to do with the delicious food on offer!).

Listening to other Mums makes me realise how much we must support each other and continue to strive for better facilities for all involved.

One of the other Mums was from Winsford, Cheshire. If you are in that area let me know and I'll pass on her details. A coffee and a chat with another Mum who really understands is so effective.

Well done to Veritee and everyone involved in the Awareness weekend. I am so proud and privileged to be your Patron!

I have now got my PNI recipe book. It is brilliant! I might even find my way back into the kitchen to make us something! I have delegated many of my household chores to Nick these days! Or maybe I could give some suggestions.......

I am currently working on my website upgrade and am looking forward to making the link so much stronger to the forum.

Best wishes to all at


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