Thursday 1 January 2009

Happy New Year!

I am spending new year in Malaga. Just having a relax and enjoying the luxury of being in one place!

One of the presents I got for Christmas was a book from my parents called 'Carry Me Home' by Catherine Lucas.

I read it in one go sunbathing by the pool today! Wow! I often get people contacting me and saying how my talks/book have made a difference to them. I felt like this reading Catherine's story of her journey from having survived a car crash in which her mother had been killed.

Although my trauma of puerperal psychosis is nowhere near as bad as someone being killed, the thought processes that Catherine has gone through since really struck chords with me. Over the last few years I too have felt 'lost'. Like something was missing but did not know what. The more I have mixed with positive, forward thinking people and been introduced to different ways of thinking, e.g. The Secret, The Celestine Prophecy, I have started to feel I was within reach of 'it'.

Catherine's journey has now made me realise that I too am now on a spiritual journey - I have been for a while it seems. She has found a 'new' life of love, truth and service. Indeed I now feel I am starting on that similar journey. I have felt for a while that my purpose was to help others reduce or avoid the suffering my family and I went through. As if I was destined to use my skills of public speaking and empathy in their best possible way.

Life has been very tough in recent months and I know it will continue to be so for a while. I just have to have faith that I have made the correct decisions and one day will reflect on this New Year as very much a new start. A new journey. I am prepared for rocky sections but hope that I have strength to pass through them. I am optimistic of witnessing more of the beauty in life that Catherine Lucas so brilliantly shares with her readers.

Thank you Catherine for making my New Year so special!

Also to my parents for, well, everything. To my darling Dominic who jumped in the pool fully clothed to see in the New Year! To my friends who are supporting me now, as ever and apologies to you all for being so insular for a while.

Bring on 2009!



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