Thursday 19 March 2009

Back to Rotherham...

Today I returned to the Magna centre for the second Rotherham Protected Learning Time sessions for staff from GP practices in the area. This was a repeat of the session I did last week.

I was impressed with the amount of staff there from all across the professions.

There were some stalls there and today I had time to have a look at some of them. interested me as Early Support is about improving services for families with young disabled children. It's a way of working that keeps families at the heart of discussion and decision-making about their child. As my previous career was teaching children with severe and profound learning difficulties I was in keen to know what help is now out there. At first glance this site looks to have a whole range of information and links - take a look around it.

Relevant just to the Rotherham area was information about Maternity services. If you would like to be involved in making sure that Rotherham has the best possible Maternity Services then join the Maternity Services Liaison Committee. If you are interested contact Joanna Jones at

There is also the Kimberworth Park Family project
A great place to help people in Rotherham in a huge variety of ways, including debt, feeling isolated, training courses.

A lady after one of my sessions also gave me a card about 'Afterthoughts' offered by Rotherham General Hospitals NHS Trust Obstetrics and Gynaecology Directorate. This is a service offered to all women who would like to someone about any unanswered questions or unresolved feelings following their experience within this speciality . Telephone 01709 307123. I stress that this is for use by Rotherham patients ONLY. But what a great idea!

Although Rotherham has still to put its care pathway for maternal mental health in place steps are being made with enthusiasm for this to be done as soon as possible. Keep up the good work!


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