Monday 16 March 2009

Mother's Day - does it make you feel good?

As Mother's Day is approaching spare a thought for those for whom it may not be a day for celebration, but of pain and heartache.

Mothering Sunday can be very hard when you have all the negative thoughts and feelings associated with postnatal depression. It is a day that you should be celebrating the magic of motherhood - but not if you currently have no bond or feelings with your child. Then there is the guilt - why do you not feel ecstatic? Why is motherhood such hard work/not what you expected?

If this is how you are feeling remember the mission statement of Postpartum Support International which stresses briefly
1. You are not to blame
2. It will get better
3. You are not alone

I agree entirely!

Also for some mothers they are actually apart from their children for a variety of reasons, e.g. illness, parental alienation syndrome. This recently happened to me for a short while and it was one of the worst feelings ever. Consequently I give my support to MATCH even more now.

Have a look at this blog for some lovely ideas on how to cope with such feelings.

My 'feel good' rating is off the scale this week - the latest Lionel Richie album was released today called 'Just Go'. I was at the shop at 8 am this morning!! Then I am going to his show on Friday in Manchester and on Sunday in Sheffield. Okay I am 45 going on 14 this week but I am a firm believer that if something makes you feel good - Just Do It!!!

What makes you feel good?


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